Thursday, July 12, 2012

Road Trip

So I am on a road trip with my fam on the way to the dirty, dirty. I feel this is going to be a fun and very interesting trip that we are going to take. I am looking forward to what lies ahead of us. In route on our return I get to check my crew out in TX! I am looking for forward to seeing them. :-) So far Jaylen and Ayden are doing great. My dad is in the front seat singing and we are talking and enjoying the ride. i will check back in soon. Good Night.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Newest member of the Jones' Family

Jaylen and Ayden before the formal introduction

                                                                    The End result

It's been a while

SSsssooo, Happy New Year! I had the baby! I finished school. We have moved, and not all in that order. I had to just check in to update anyone who is still checking on this page. The family is doing well and I am doing even better. God continues to be good to my family and continues to help me grow as a person, wife, mother, daughter, niece and cousin. Life is Good. I will add some pixs later.
